Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Your Own Meditation Group

Mandy Ingber has invited us all to try forming meditation support groups. I appreciate this idea and I enjoy the design of her website. Watch her video for ideas.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sixty-three Position Vinyasana

I recently received a copy of this vinyasana from my teacher, Jyoti Hansa. I first saw it in the early 90's. It is challenging but fun to "play" with if you respect your body, begin slowly and don't over-work the poses. I love the hand done asana drawings.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ahimsa and help Turning a Bad Day into a Peaceful Day

Martin Luther King Day calls to mind the yama: ahimsa. Non-violence. Tomorrow classes will all contain a reading from Sutra 2.35. "When one is established in non-violence others abandon violence in one's presence." For a lovely online yoga video with a teacher who has a peaceful aspect I suggest visiting and trying some of Esther Ekhart's video classes. I especially like "Yoga for a Bad Day".