Monday, April 21, 2008

Utkatasana and the Power of Observation

We've been working through James Higgins' vinyasana "Strength and Grace" from the Yoga Journal ( Feb. 2008). It begins with Utkatasana (chair pose). In her discussion of this pose in "Yoga in Action, a Preliminary Course" Geeta Iyengar reminds us that the effects of the asanas are to be observed in the practice of the asanas. "This observation needs to be learnt and cultivated the same as any skill. It does not require any special talent in the execution of the asanas and so is available to all." The possibility of sharpening our powers of self-observation in the asanas is available to all of us. Regardless of our current physical limitations, the number or height of the props we use, the modifications we require. It is available to all of us, all the time, in every pose. Whew! That's a relief. As our perception and observation skills improve we're better able to perform the asanas and reap their physiological, mental and spiritual benefits. Begin with Utkatasana, back against the wall, try it lying on the floor with your feet on the wall, or try the actions seated in an actual chair if you like. See what you can observe about the position of the diaphram in the pose (lifted) and the all-important alignment of the buttock bones. According to Geeta "When bending the knees in Utkatasana, take the buttock bones straight down, do not push them out behind." Then take your observations with you as you get to your feet and try the pose standing. Sharpen your powers of self-observation.

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